a person typing on a laptop
a brown banded cockroach in a roseville home

Why Can't I Get These Cockroaches Out Of My Roseville Home? 

April 28, 2021

Rowdy roaches wriggling into your Roseville home? That’s no good! Ridding yourself and your home of rambunctious roach rabble? Even worse! Cockroaches come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Here in the warm state of California, we see more species of cockroaches than just about anywhere else. ... Read More

a cockroach on a patio

The Problems Cockroaches Can Cause In Your Sacramento Home

October 7, 2020

If you've ever seen a cockroach, you know that they are rather disgusting and off-putting. You also probably realize that cockroaches are a difficult and invasive pest that can cause a lot of problems. However, cockroaches are often worse than you might think.... Read More

a cockroach on a bowl durring a picnic

What Sacramento Pest Experts Want You To Know About Effective Cockroach Control

July 8, 2020

Have you ever flipped a light switch on late at night only to find a small shadow dart under an object nearby? Sometimes it happens so fast you can’t tell what it was. Was it an insect? Most likely it was a cockroach you saw. If this is the case, you could be in serious trouble. As pests go, cockroaches are one of the worst you can have inside your home.... Read More

a cockroach crawling in a basement

How Bad Can One Little Cockroach In My Roseville Home Be?

April 28, 2020

Cockroaches are some of the most dreaded pests that people in Roseville might encounter. These pests are known for being extremely sturdy and hard to get rid of. Cockroaches can be especially disgusting because they tend to congregate in places like bathrooms and kitchens where they can easily spread germs around and contaminate food sources. ... Read More

cockroaches crawling on kitchen table

Folsom’s Step-By-Step Guide To Cockroach Prevention

February 14, 2020

Any responsible homeowner knows that the best way to solve problems is to stop them from happening in the first place. The same is true of pests and keeping them outside of the home. By the time the problem signs present themselves, it’s often too late to eradicate pest populations without expert help. ... Read More

two cockroaches crawling on a kitchen counter

All The Ways You Are Unknowingly Attracting Cockroaches Into Your Folsom Home

December 12, 2019

You would never put a sign on your front door that says: “Cockroaches Welcome: Come On In!” Your home is not a cockroach hotel, and these creepy pests should not be made welcome in your home. But you may be sending inviting signals without realizing it. There are many factors that attract cockroaches to a home. We’ll break down some of the most common attractors and show you how to avoid inviting roaches to come and stay at y... Read More