a person typing on a laptop
termite damage to a cabinet door

How To Tell If Your Roseville Property Has A Termite Problem

May 28, 2021

Termites are small insects with a tan-colored appearance that eat the cellulose found in wood. Termites can be beneficial to the outdoor environment by reducing wooden debris and materials; however, they also create millions of dollars in property damage nationwide each year.... Read More

winged termite perched on a tree

Sacramento Property Owners' Complete Guide To Termite Swarmers

March 5, 2021

Termites are small insects that eat cellulose, which, incidentally, exists in wood. These pests have a white or tan appearance and live and work in a group known as a colony. Termites pose a threat to properties by eating away at the wood within the structure and are responsible for billions of dollars in damage across the U.S. each year. Many property owners will be unaware that a termite infestation exists for lengthy periods, as these pests... Read More

termites chewing on wood

Just How Dangerous Are The Termites In Roseville?

January 28, 2021

You may never see a termite in your lifetime, but there is a good chance these pests will negatively affect your life in one way or another. Every year, these invasive pests cost Americans over five billion dollars. The question is, are termites dangerous, and if so, how much of this five billion dollars is spent on medical expenses? ... Read More