The Secret To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Roseville Home

From common house spiders to dangerous spiders, is there a secret to keeping these pests out of your Roseville home? Yes, and it starts with high-quality pest management. Here's what Roseville homeowners should know about the behavior of common spiders, what it means if you see spiders in your house, and how professional pest control in Roseville can help. 

brown recluse spider 

Habits And Behaviors Of Common Spiders

While the most common spiders you'll find in your Roseville home are harmless to people, these critters can still bite and overstay their welcome. The most common spiders in Roseville include: 

  • Green lynx spiders: With females growing larger than males, green lynx spiders have green coloring and black spines, and prefer to keep to themselves.
  • Fishing spiders: As their name suggests, fishing spiders aren't afraid to take a dive in the water to hunt for prey. While they often stick to areas with abundant water, they can occasionally end up in homes by accident, especially if you've got a pool or pond. Their large size at three inches can be frightening, but their venom is not toxic to humans.
  • Wolf spiders: Growing up to over an inch in length, wolf spiders have thick, hairy bodies and prefer to hunt their prey on foot like the predator they're named after.
  • Crab spiders: Crab spiders get their name from the way they spread out like crabs, and their coloring can vary from pale green to yellow.
  • Brown recluse spiders: Brown recluse spiders are one of the few species that are dangerous to humans in California, and you can usually recognize them by looking for the violin-shaped mark on their cephalothorax.
  • Black widow spiders: With black bodies and red or orange hourglass markings on the underside of their abdomens, black widows pack a dangerous bite but are rarely aggressive.

What are the signs of spiders in California? It's not unusual to find the occasional spider in your home, but things can spiral out of control if you've got an infestation – here are some of the signs that you've got an actual spider infestation on your hands: 

  • Excess spiders: The most obvious sign of a spider infestation is seeing multiple spiders around your home. Finding spiders in your home all the time could mean you've got an infestation.
  • Spider webs: An occasional spiderweb may not be too concerning, but if you're noticing multiple webs around your house, there's a good chance you've got several spiders living in your home.
  • Other insects: Spiders don't invade homes because they're seeking warmth or trying to eat our leftovers, but they will follow their insect prey inside. If you've got other pest problems in your home, it's not unusual to find spiders too.
  • Egg sacs: Spiders can lay hundreds of eggs, and you may spot their silk egg sacs around your house. Egg sacs mean a lot of baby spiders are on their way, so you should contact a pest control professional quickly. 

You may notice any of these signs of spiders, but seeing live spiders around your home is the most noticeable. Spiders will be especially prominent during the spring and summer seasons, but they can enter your home during any part of the year – although they're less likely to during the winter. 

Spiders are much less active during the winter while they are in a state called diapause. Unlike many pests, which seek out the warmth and shelter of our homes, spiders are cold-blooded and do not need to come indoors when the temperatures drop. They also hunt less frequently and are less likely to enter your home in search of prey.

Although spiders are unlikely to intentionally invade your home during the winter, you may still see them around your house. So, if spiders don't come inside to escape the cold temperatures of winter, how do they get there? Unfortunately, the answer is a bit unsettling – if you're seeing spiders inside your Roseville home during the winter, it's most likely because they've been there for a long time.

House spiders and other species come inside homes and hide away in dim, secluded areas with little activity. This includes your crawl space, the basement, garages, storage areas, and other corners. 

Spiders often originally come inside because they're looking for pest prey, but they become more noticeable once they begin to reproduce.

What It Means If You're Seeing Spiders In Your Home

When it comes to getting into your house, spiders can be creative about their entrances – anything from open doorways and tears in window screens to cracks in your foundation can serve as an entrance for spiders. 

In some cases, you may bring the occasional spider in on your own – firewood and yard debris make excellent hiding spots for spiders, and bringing these items inside could also mean bringing a spider inside. 

As for why they get inside, spiders aren't interested in human food or warm shelter like most pests are. Typically, spiders get inside Roseville homes because they're following pest prey, like flies, ants, or other insects they want to eat. Homes that have spider infestations or problems generally have other pest problems as well. 

Do wolf spiders climb into beds? Encountering a spider is already unsettling enough, but nobody likes the thought of a spider crawling onto their bed while they sleep – but do these arachnids really favor sleeping areas? 

As it turns out, spiders, including wolf spiders, don't care about crawling into beds any more than they care about any other part of your home. Most spiders prefer to stick to areas where they won't be disturbed by humans, like storage areas, dark corners, or other spots without a lot of human traffic. 

However, spiders can still crawl into beds, but it's usually only because they're on the way to a potential food source. If you've got an existing pest problem in your bedroom or around your bed, spiders may spend more time in there because that's where their food source is.

Five Easy And Effective Spider Prevention Tips

While spiders may not ask your permission before they make your home into their own, there are some steps you can take to prevent spiders in Roseville, such as: 

  1. Keep all trash containing food scraps in durable garbage receptacles to avoid attracting various insects that spiders prey on to your property.
  2. If you use exterior lights near entryways, consider installing yellow or sodium vapor bulbs that are less attractive to insects.
  3. Fill any cracks near the foundation that might allow entry with caulk or sealant.
  4. Promptly repair damaged window and door screens.
  5. Carefully remove webs and egg sacs to discourage spiders from staying.

Along with these tips above, the best way to prevent spiders is by working with the pros. While most of the spiders that enter your home will be harmless, you may occasionally deal with a dangerous spider – or even a full-blown infestation. 

The Most Effective Spider Control Solution For Your Home

If you want to kill the spiders in your Roseville home without touching or interacting with them, there's only one thing you can do: call the professionals at Neighborly Pest Management to handle the job for you. Even if you're fine with killing the occasional spider, a full-blown spider infestation can spiral out of control, especially if you're not sure about the type of spider. 

At Neighborly Pest Management, we've got the experience, the gear, and the effective treatments to rid your home of any spiders – and the pest prey that may be luring them in. If you've been finding one too many spiders around the house, don't wait any longer. Call us today at Neighborly Pest Management to learn more about our spider control services or to schedule an appointment.