Are There Rodents In Roseville Secretly Living In My House?

Most guests won’t mind knocking on your door, but unwanted guests – like rats and mice – won’t bother letting you know that they’ve invaded your home. Here’s what Roseville homeowners should know about the signs and dangers of rodents, the safest way to get rid of rodents, and how pest control in Roseville can help you keep rodents away for good. 

a house mouse in a kitchen cabinet

Signs Of Rodents In Your Home

Here are a few signs that may indicate you’ve got rodents in California:

  • You’re finding gnaw and chew marks on food packages or other materials throughout your home.
  • You’re seeing rodent droppings. Norway rats tend to have capsule-shaped, blunt droppings, whereas a roof rat’s waste has pointy ends, and house mice have smaller, pointier droppings.
  • There are dark, oily, or greasy marks smudged on walls or baseboards, where rodents have used pathways to run across your home.
  • There are stacked food and remnants around these pathways where rodents have been transporting food.
  • There are burrows around the exterior or interior of your home.
  • There’s a potent odor lingering around your home, which may be due to rodent waste.
  • Your pets won’t stop sniffing certain areas of your home. They could be smelling a rodent hideout or nest.
  • You are hearing scratching or squeaking noises at night, most likely from rats or mice in the walls.

Keep in mind that most rodents are nocturnal, so you may not spot live mice or rats until the infestation has spiraled out of control – which is why it’s important to keep an eye out for the subtler signs above.

If you do see actual rodents in your home, you should always assume that there are more nearby. Rodents reproduce quickly and travel together, so you’re unlikely to only have just one or two of these pests in your home.

Can Rodents In Your House Make You Sick?

Unfortunately, the rodents in your California home are more than just an annoyance or scary sight – they also have the potential to make you sick.

Rodents, especially rats and mice, can carry plenty of dangerous diseases or illnesses, such as:

  • Hantavirus
  • Tularemia
  • Salmonellosis
  • Rat-bite fever
  • Plague
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Besides the diseases listed above, rodents also have the potential to cause property damage by chewing through electrical wires or nesting in your insulation. Some rodents may also bring parasites into your home, like fleas, mites, and ticks. These parasites bring their own risk of disease as they enter your home.

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Rodents In Roseville

Given what kind of dangerous illnesses or diseases rodents can spread, there’s only one safe and effective method for getting rid of them, and that’s by using the services of Neighborly Pest Management. With years of experience serving Roseville and surrounding counties in California, we’ve dealt with all types of rodents and infestations of every size.

If you are seeing any of the warning signs of rodents or believe you’ve got an infestation, there’s only one way to protect your Roseville home. Call us today at Neighborly Pest Management to learn more about how to get rid of rodents with our rodent control services work or to sign up for an inspection or treatment.

Tips To Keep Rodents Away From Your Home For Good

Rodents aren’t completely preventable, but there are a few tips and tricks you can use to keep them away, such as:

  • Use caulking or rodent-proof material like steel wool to seal any exterior gaps around your home. Mice only need a gap that’s the size of a pen to get inside, while rats can slip through anything bigger than a quarter.
  • Don’t leave food sitting out overnight in your home, including dirty dishes with food particles in your sink or pet food in bowls.
  • Make sure you store your food in sealed packaging or plastic containers and avoid keeping them in paper or cardboard containers, as rodents can chew through these more easily.
  • Keep garbage cans or trash cans completely sealed and ensure you’re regularly emptying them.
  • Be careful to completely clean up after meals, spills, and food preparation so there aren’t any food scraps left behind.

While these tips are great ways to prevent or deter rodents from coming back, you’ll need more than a few prevention tips to deal with existing infestations. If you believe you already have rodents in your Roseville home, reach out to the pros at Neighborly Pest Management and learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Roseville.