A Step-By-Step Spider-Prevention Guide For Folsom, CA Homes

Cellar spiders hanging on a ceiling

Spiders have their upsides and downsides. For instance, did you know that spiders eat other pests? If you regularly find flies, beetles, cockroaches, and other invasive species in your living areas, you could cull their populations by releasing spiders into your home. The only downside to this solution is that your home would then be infested with spiders. Assuming that this solution does not appeal to you, here is a step-by-step guide to keep spiders out of your Folsom, CA home and some reasons you don’t want these pests around.

Step One: Understand Your Enemy

In order to effectively prevent spiders, there are a few things you should know about these pests. The first thing is that they do not invade homes to escape cold weather. Spiders are born with a built-in anti-freeze that keeps them safe regardless of how cold it is outdoors. That said, the main reason spiders invade homes is to hunt. You may already know this, but spiders live on a diet of insects, arthropods, and other arachnids. The more of these pests you have inside your living areas, the more likely spiders will be to stick around if they get inside.

Step Two: Seal Your Home’s Exterior

One of the best ways to keep spiders out of your home is to address entry points they use to get inside. This is done in a few different ways. Here are a few exclusion tips we recommend.

  • Use a caulking gun or some liquid cement to fill in holes, gaps, and cracks in the exterior of your home.
  • Make sure your window/door screens are rip/tear-free.
  • Address damage to weatherstripping and door sweeps.
  • Keep unscreened doors and windows closed when they aren’t in use.

Step Three: Create A No-Go Zone Around Your Home’s Exterior

There are several factors that draw spiders close to homes. Your goal should be to address as many of these attractants as possible. Start by trimming your bushes and trees back away from your home’s exterior. In addition to this, clear out debris and clutter around your home’s foundation. This will create a five to ten foot dry zone that spiders and the pests they invade to hunt will dislike

Step Four: Keep Things Clean and Tidy

Spiders love clutter, especially the spiders that hunt from the ground. For this reason, it is important to keep clutter in your home to a minimum. Keeping your home clean is another great way to deter spiders and the pests they invade to hunt. One way to do this is to pick up food messes and drink spills as they occur.

Step Five: Limit Spiders' Access To Food and Moisture

A spider’s food eats your food. To deter the pests (that spiders hunt) from invading your home, keep food stored in hard-to-reach places. Some easy ways to do this include packing dried foods, leftovers, and dog food into airtight containers. In addition to this, make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids. Remember, your scraps are a pest’s nine-course meal.

Why Hiring A Professional Is A Better Option

Keeping up with spider prevention is difficult. To make your life easier, hire the experts at Neighborly Pest Management. We have been handling pest problems for years and have the advanced treatments and industrial-grade equipment needed to deter spiders, and the pests they invade to hunt, from breaking into your home. With a focus on our community and a passion for helping people, you will never be disappointed after choosing us.

Contact our team now to learn more about our general pest control options and find one that fits your Folsom home’s needs.