How Do Roseville Homeowners Get Rid Of Mice For Good?

a house mouse crawling on a basement floor

If you’ve ever experienced a rodent infestation, you know that you never want another one. They smell, they’re dirty, and they can be almost impossible to exterminate without the help of a professional. For those who have been lucky enough not to experience a pest problem, there’s still plenty to worry about in terms of prevention. Today, we’re going to discuss house mice and how to keep them at bay.

What Are The Signs Of A Mouse Infestation?

Mice are small, furry mammals with long front teeth that they must keep filed down by chewing on hard surfaces. Unlike rats, mice are typically only a couple of inches long and have more compact bodies. Spotting the elusive rodents themselves is often much harder than looking out for the other signs of an infestation. Some common indicators include:

  • Bite Marks: Because their teeth constantly grow, mice must chew on things to keep their teeth filed down. You’ll notice evidence of their filing on hardwoods, plastics, cables, and other household items.
  • Odor: Mice leave behind droppings, and the accumulated food scraps and other waste they keep near their nesting and brooding spaces can result in awful smells that permeate the house.
  • Holes: Just like in the cartoons, mice make little openings in walls and floorboards so they can more easily traverse rooms in a home. If you see a new hole or dent in the wall, it could be a sign of mice activity.

What Attracts Mice?

The most effective offense is a good defense. That’s why it’s important to take precautions to make your home less attractive to these rodents. Mice are looking for an ideal place to build a nest and raise their young, and your home could provide the ideal environment.

  • Mice search for warmth and shelter, particularly in cold months.  As such, they are attracted to homes, businesses, and outdoor areas where they can burrow for shelter.
  • Rodents look for consistent sources of food and water. Mice have to eat and drink just like all other mammals, so they are attracted to homes with readily available supplies. Not only can food scraps inside your house be an attractant, but improperly sealed garbage receptacles outdoors are also appealing to mice. 
  • Mice look for safety from predators.  Tall grass protects rodents from being spotted by birds of prey from above, and tree limbs or eaves that run right up to structures make for easy access inside of doors. Keeping a well-maintained yard reduces these factors.

What Can You Do To Prevent An Infestation?

What you’re probably most interested in is what you can do about mice prevention and elimination:

  • Remove Attracting Factors: Addressing the problem areas inside your home and around the perimeter outside are good first steps toward keeping out pests of all varieties. Deep cleaning and proper maintenance matter.
  • Seal Off Holes And Cracks: Once you find areas where mice can enter, take care of them immediately. Seal up holes and cracks; be preemptive rather than reactive. 
  • Place Traps: If you find areas with mice nests or evidence of food storage, place traps nearby or along access routes to try and put a stop to their activity. 

Want Them Gone? We Can Help!

All the prevention methods in the world may not be enough to truly stop mice populations from getting inside. The best method of prevention and removal is to turn to the pros at Neighborly Pest Management. With decades of experience dealing with rodent infestations, our technicians will be thorough and efficient, ridding your home of the problem and putting measures in place to ensure that you never have another pest problem again. Don’t spend your own time and energy tracking down mice when help is just a call away.