Why Spiders Invade Sacramento Homes And How To Keep Them Out

Sacramento is a beautiful city with plenty to offer its residents. However, we also have our fair share of spiders. There seems to be no shortage of eight-legged creatures scuttling around, and they're not always welcome guests. Spiders can be creepy, and while most are harmless, a few can give you a nasty bite.

If you've been seeing one too many spiders in your home, you're probably looking for ways to get rid of them. Neighborly Pest Management can help. Our team of experts can identify the source of the issue and provide the necessary treatment to eliminate them. We've been assisting residents with pest control in Sacramento in dealing with spiders since 1978, and we have the experience and knowledge to handle any spider infestation, big or small.

We will discuss the types of spiders commonly found in Sacramento and how to keep them out of your home. We will also talk about the factors that attract spiders into our homes and offer tips on home defense for spiders that you can implement to prevent them. Stay informed and call Neighborly Pest Management if you need assistance eliminating spiders in your home.

an orb weave spider in its web

Types Of Spiders Commonly Found Around Sacramento

While many people are afraid of all spiders, the truth is that most of them are harmless to humans. However, a few kinds of spiders in Sacramento can be dangerous to humans. It's essential to identify the different types of spiders so that you can take the necessary precautions to avoid them.

Some of the most common spiders found in Sacramento are:

  • Black widow spider: This spider is black with a red hourglass shape on its abdomen. It is one of the most dangerous spiders in North America because its bite can have serious side effects and can occasionally be fatal. If you see a black widow spider, it's important to call a professional immediately.
  • Brown recluse spiders: This spider is brown with a violin-shaped mark on its back. It is dangerous because its bite can cause serious skin damage and other health problems. If you see a brown recluse spider, don't try to kill it yourself. Call a professional so they can safely remove it from your home.
  • Wolf spider: This spider is large and brown with stripes on its back. Its size can be pretty intimidating, but its bite is not dangerous to humans.
  • Yellow sac spider: This spider is yellow or green with a dark stripe on its back and is small, only about a quarter-inch long.
  • House spider: This spider is small and brown with no distinct markings. It is the most common type of spider found in homes. House spiders are not dangerous and pose no threat to humans.
  • Orb weaver spider: This spider got its name because it builds spiral webs. It varies in appearance but is often brightly colored.
  • Cellar spider:  This spider is small with long legs. You may find it in dark, damp places like cellars and basements. 

If you're having trouble identifying the type of spider you've seen, it's best to call a professional; they will be able to identify the spider and help you determine if it's dangerous or not.

At Neighborly Pest Management, we have a team of experts that can help you eliminate any spider. We will identify the spider species and provide the necessary treatment to stop them. For over 40 years,  we've assisted Sacramento residents with challenging spider infestations. Our methods are safe and effective, and we will work with you to find the best solution for your unique situation. Call us today to learn more or to get started with a free quote.

Some Spider's Bites Are Worse Than Others

Did you know that all spiders have venom? It's true! All spiders are predators that have venom, but not all of them are dangerous to humans. Most spider bites will only cause minor irritation, redness, and swelling. 

However, brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders have particularly potent venom, which is why their bites can be dangerous to humans. If either of these spiders bit you, you must seek medical attention immediately.

While most spider bites are not dangerous, there are a few things you should watch for. If you experience any of the following symptoms after being bitten by a spider, it's essential to seek medical attention right away:

  • Severe pain at the site of the bite
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Muscle cramps
  • Difficulty breathing

If a spider bites you and you are unsure if it's a dangerous spider, it's always best to seek medical attention. If you see a dangerous spider on your property, don't try to kill it yourself. Call a professional pest control company to remove it from your home safely.

At Neighborly Pest Management, we care about your safety. We want to ensure that you take the necessary precautions to avoid spider bites. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call us. We would be happy to help you in any way we can.

We can also help you reduce the number of all spiders on your property through our recurring pest control services. Our team of experts will work with you to create a custom plan that fits your unique needs, and we'll help you keep your home spider-free all year long. Contact us today to get started.

Factors That Attract Spiders Into Our Homes

You may wonder why spiders keep invading your home, even though you don't have any food or water for them. There are a few reasons why you are attracting spiders to your home:

  • Spiders are looking for a place to mate: When spiders are ready to mate, they will leave their webs in search of a mate, often leading them into homes.
  • Spiders are looking for a place to build their web: Spiders need a place to build their webs, and your home provides the perfect environment.
  • Spiders are attracted to other pests: If you have other pests in your homes, such as flies or moths, they will attract spiders because spiders see these pests as potential prey.
  • Spiders are attracted to warmth: In the winter, spiders will be looking for a warm place to stay. Your home provides the perfect environment for them to do this.

If you're concerned about spiders invading your Sacramento home, you can do a few things to deter them. One of the best ways to get rid of spiders naturally is by keeping your home clean. A clean home is less likely to attract spiders because there will be fewer places to hide and build their webs. Vacuum regularly and dust all surfaces. If you see any spider webs, be sure to remove them, so the spiders don't keep returning.

You can also prevent spiders from entering your home in the first place by sealing any cracks or openings around your doors and windows. Be sure to seal any cracks or gaps around your windows, doors, and pipes. You can use caulk or weather stripping to do this.

And finally, make sure to keep your yard tidy. Remove any piles of leaves, wood, or debris. These are all potential homes for spiders. If you keep your yard clean, it will be less likely for spiders to move on from your yard and invade your home.

If you're still having trouble keeping spiders out of your home, Neighborly Pest Management can help. We offer various pest control services that will keep your home spider-free. Contact us today to learn more about our Sacramento spider control services and how we can help you.

Pro Pest Control Makes For The Best Spider Control

If you're having a persistent problem with spiders in your home, it's time to call our professionals at Neighborly Pest Management. As a local, family-owned business, we've been providing top-notch pest control services to residents of Sacramento since 1978. One of our most popular services is spider removal. Our team of experienced and certified professionals can get rid of the spiders in your house in no time. 

There are many reasons to choose Neighborly Pest Management for your spider removal needs. First, we offer a free quote so that we can assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Second, we use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to get the job done right. Third, we offer a service-back satisfaction guarantee to ensure you're happy with the results. 

If you're ready to get rid of your spider problem for good, call Neighborly Pest Management today. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our residential and commercial pest control services in Sacramento, and schedule a free quote. Let us help you enjoy your home spider-free.